Calvert Grange Fundraisers: Spaces Available
Rain or Shine, Indoor & Outdoor
August 19
8 AM - 1 PM
Join us to sell or shop at our 2023 Community Yard Sale events! Sales will take place inside and outside the Calvert Grange. The Calvert Grange will be selling food and beverages.
We are accepting all types of vendors with any (legal) items for this event: yard sales, flea markets, crafters, resellers, etc.
Please see our weather statement below.
$20: One space: defined as a 10' x 10' space directly behind your vehicle (vehicle must be pulled into a space)
$25: One trailer space: defined as your vehicle pulled into a space with your trailer directly behind. We have limited trailer spaces.
Setup will begin at 6:30 AM on the day of the sale.
We assign outside vendors arrival times to help minimize arrival chaos.
These spaces are rain or shine!
$30: One Inside Space 9' x 9'
We provide: One 8-foot table and up to two chairs. You may bring other tables, shelves, and display items.
Setup Time: 6:30 AM-7:30 AM
BONUS Setup Time: Friday evening before the event
Weather Statement
In the case of rain, the Calvert Grange may cancel the outside sale. In this case, one of two things can happen:
Your space fee will be refunded or moved to another sale date at your request.
You may choose to show up and sell anyway. There is no refund in this case.
In the event of extreme bad weather, the Calvert Grange will communicate that the sale is canceled. There will be no ability to choose to sell in this case and refunds will be issued.